Dental implants are an innovative solution that is increasingly used in modern dentistry. Their use in reconstructing dental sequences and improving smile is often the best choice. Implant placement requires a detailed plan, basic preparation, and advanced technique to achieve a flawless result. However, there is still a small risk of implant rejection.

Why choose dental implants?

First of all, the patient must be thoroughly informed in order to make a decision in accordance with his or her wishes and real possibilities. Essentially, the installation of a dental implant is a technique that supstitutes the root of the missing teeth. Some time ago as a revolution, and today as a standard, dental implant is usually the best choice when reconstructing teeth and smiles.

The dental implant is a permanent solution and offers the same chewing efficiency as natural teeth with very little risk. The decision to install the implant can directly affect whether you will have a fixed remuneration (crown, bridge, …) or mobile compensation (partial or total denture), which completely changes the way you live, the comfort and quality of your life.

It should be known that there is no ideal age for implants, it is as long as the body and health condition give support to the surgical procedure, which is up to 70 years of age.

What causes the rejection of dental implants?

Detailed overview and analysis was carried out to assess the risks of infection, biocompatibility, and patient’s tissue status, in order to opt for the best plan of therapy and implantation technique. The purpose of this procedure is to guarantee the success of the implant. The dental implant is made of titanium, a material that has been scientifically proven biocompatible with human tissue, so tissues do not consider it a foreign body. In this way, the risk of implant rejection is extremely small. However, preparation is mandatory, and the necessary precautions must always be taken to avoid unexpected reactions. Basically, the rate of success of dental implants is over 95%.

To find out more about implants and various techniques of their installation, schedule a consultation with the oral surgeon from Vunjak team.

Zubni implanti su inovativno rešenje koje se sve više koristi u savremenoj stomatologiji. Njihova upotreba prilikom rekonstrukcije zubnih nizova i poboljšanja osmeha je često najbolji izbor. Postavljanje implantata zahteva detaljan plan, temeljnu pripremu i naprednu tehniku da bi se dobio besprekoran rezultat. Ipak, i dalje postoji mali rizik od odbacivanja implanta.

Zašto izabrati implant?

Pre svega, pacijent mora biti detaljno informisan kako bi mogao doneti odluku u skladu sa svojim željama i realnim mogućnostima. Suštinski, ugradnja zubnog implanta je tehnika kojom se nadomešćuje koren nedostajućeg zuba. Nekada kao revolucija, a danas kao standard, zubni implant je najčešće najbolji izbor prilikom rekonstrukcije zuba i osmeha.

Zubni implant je trajno rešenje i nudi istu efikasnost žvakanja kao i prirodni zubi uz vrlo mali rizik. Odluka o ugradnji implanta može direktno uticati na to da li ćete imati fiksnu nadoknadu (krunicu , most…) ili mobilnu nadoknadu (parcijalnu ili totalnu protezu) čime se potpuno menja način, komfor i kvalitet života.

Treba znati da ne postoji idealno doba za postavljanje implanta, sve dok telo i zdravstveno stanje daju podršku hirurškoj proceduri, a to je do više od 70 godina starosti.

Šta izaziva odbacivanje zubnih implanta?

Pregled i analiza se sprovode da bi se procenili rizici od infekcije , biokompatibilnost i stanje tkiva pacijenta , kako bi se odlučili za najbolji plan terapije i tehniku implantacije . Svrha ove procedure je da garantuje uspeh implanta. Zubni implant je izrađen od titanijuma , materijala koji je naučno dokazano biokompatibilan sa ljudskim tkivom, tako da tkiva to ne smatraju stranim telom. Na taj način, rizik od odbacivanja implanta je izuzetno mali . ipak, priprema je obavezna i uvek se moraju preduzeti neophodne mere predostrožnosti kako bi se izbegle neočekivane reakcije. Uglavnom, stopa uspeha zubnih implanta je preko 95%.

Da biste saznali više o implantima i različitim tehnikama njihove ugradnje zakažite konsultaciju kod oralnog hirurga stomatološke ordinacije Vunjak tim.

Expertly speaking, we are talking about dental occlusion. Today there are many solutions for this type of problem.

Dental occlusion problems

The term dental occlusion is used to indicate the position of the upper teeth in relation to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. When we notice irregularities in the position of the tooth we say that there is a problem of occlusion. Removing this irregularity is then an integral part of the orthodontics. The origin of this type of disorder varies from case to case. Therefore, the therapies are not identical. By analyzing it, it is necessary to determine whether the inadequate occlusion is caused by a poor position of the tooth or by bad position between jaws or a combination of these two.

Other forms of occlusion

Occlusion disorder in early teenage period can play a decisive role in the development of children’s faces and jaws. This can leave even permanent consequences that are solved exclusively by the surgery. It is therefore extremely important to visit the orthodontist on time in order to identify possible irregularities timely and start the therapy as soon as possible, directly increasing the percentage of the success of orthodontic treatment and avoiding surgical procedures.

Therapy for adults

The duration of orthodontic therapy for adult patients may be slightly longer than for children. Depending on the case and goal to be achieved, the therapy can last from 3 to 30 months. The older we are, the teeth become more sensitive. Adult patients are increasingly opting for aesthetic solutions such as: transparent braces, braces attached to the inner side of teeth, so-called lingual braces or transparent foils.

In any case, the maintenance of good hygiene of the mouth and teeth guarantees the success of orthodontic therapy as well as general tooth health.

Stručno rečeno govorimo o zubnoj okluziji. Danas postoji veliki broj rešenja za ovaj tip problema.

Problemi zubne okluzije

Termin zubna okluzija se koristi za označavanje pozicije gornjih zuba u odnosu na donje zube kada su usta zatvorena. Kada primetimo nepravilnosti u poziciji zuba kažemo da postoji problem okluzije. Otklanjanje ove nepravilnosti je tada integralni deo ortodontske prakse. Poreklo ove vrste poremećaja razlikuje se od slučaja do slučaja. Samim tim ni terapije nisu identične. Analizom je neophodno utvrditi da li je neadekvatna okluzija uzrokovana lošim položajem zuba ili medjusobnim lošim položajem vilica ili pak kombinacijom ova dva.

Drugi oblici okluzije

Poremećaji okluzije kod dece u predpubertetskom periodu mogu imati odlučujuću ulogu u razvoju njihovih lica i vilica. Ovo može ostaviti čak i trajne posledice koje se rešavaju isključivo hirurškim putem. Stoga je izuzetno važno blagovremeno posetiti ortodonta kako bi se moguće nepravilnosti utvrdile na vreme i terapija započela što ranije čime se direktno povećava procenat uspeha ortodontskog tretmana i izbegavaju hirurški zahvati.

Terapija kod odraslih

Dužina trajanja ortodontske terapije kod odraslih pacijenata može biti nešto duža nego što je to kod dece. U zavisnosti od slučaja i cilja koji treba postići, terapija može trajati od 3 do 30 meseci. Što smo stariji, zubi postaju osetljiviji. Odrasli pacijenti sve češće pribegavaju estetskim rešenjima kao što su: estetske, providne bravice, bravice pričvršćene s unutrašnje strane zuba, tzv.Lingvalna proteza ili transparentne folije.

U svakom slučaju, održavanje dobre higijene usta i zuba garantuje uspeh ortodontske terapije, kao i opšteg zdravlja zuba.