• It is important to start on time

    Developing healthy oral hygiene habits and building trust with children starts from an early age.

    Stomatoloska ordinacija vunjak dental clinic decija stomatologija pregled zuba dete



As soon as the primer teeth appear, it is necessary to start with gentel brushing with soft toothbrush adapted for that age two times a day, after waking and before bedtime. If toothpaste is used, it must be low in fluorine and in small volume, not greater than the size of pea grain. For a baby up to 18 months, it is enough to wash the teeth with a soft toothbrush and water. Precautions are needed for the youngest in order to preserve still soft gums and limit the swallowing of the toothpaste.

Your child is younger than 6 months and you care that his gums will not tolerate the pressure of a toothbrush? Use a cotton gauze wrapped around the forefinger and dipped in water, and gently rub the gums and teeth to your baby.

With time, as the child grows and can properly hold a toothbrush (older than 3 years), encourage it to wash the teeth after each meal for at least 2 minutes and do not hesitate to show how it works (if forgets some parts, either not shaking water or not washed the mouth enough) in order to get healthy habits.


Building healthy habits for oral hygiene

Insisting on good oral hygiene from the earliest age is the right way to create healthy habits before children become independent and start performing ritual before bedtime for themselves. In addition, the dedicated hygiene of the teeth in the teenage period helps to fight the appearance of caries, to preserve the back teeth and to gain healthy habits: careful cleaning of all teeth by rotating the brush from top to bottom (“raining”) and from bottom to top (“growing of the grass”).

When to bring your child to see a dentist?

Building trust

You can bring children to the dentist from the earliest age, from the appearance of the first teeth. It is recommended that the first visit is dedicated to the examination and hygiene of the teeth, that is, before the onset of a malfunction and pain in order for the child to develop trust in his dentist.

Additional precaution

Make sure that the child is not given fruit, milk or sweet drinks after washing the teeth and after it has gone to bed. Saliva with children in this case remains saturated during the night, resulting in a significant increase in caries risk.

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