
What are dental crowns?

Crowns are fixed compensations(covers) used to compensate the lost part of the tooth, but also to change the shape and/or the color of the tooth. Whether they are fully or partially made of ceramics, we differentiate metal-ceramic and full-ceramic crowns.

Metal-ceramic dental crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns have their cover made of ceramics, while the central part between the teeth and the ceramics, i.e. the core, is made of metal. On the other side, full-ceramic crowns are entirely made of ceramics. They can be made from zirconium, a material also known as an artificial diamond, as well as from lithium disilicate.

For metal-ceramic crowns, the metal base is made by hand, and for full-ceramic crowns, the zirconium base is made by machine, under the control of a computer, so the process is much more precise.

Full-ceramic dental crowns

With full-ceramic crowns, it is possible to achieve a significantly better aesthetic effect which means that the crown looks like a natural tooth. The fact that they do not have a metal base allows them to be more transparent and look more natural.

Zirconium-based full-ceramic crowns are also fully biocompatible and require less preparation, thus preserving the dental substance. For metal-ceramic crowns, one should remove from1.5mm to 2mm of the tooth, while for full-ceramic crowns it goes from 0.5mm to 1mm.

With metal-ceramic crowns can the metal might shade, therefore the metal edge is inserted under the gums to be hidden, but over time this might (in some cases) lead to the gums retention which is strip off the tooth neck.

Combining Full-ceramic with Metal-ceramic crowns

All stated are the advantages of full-ceramic crowns. However, metal-ceramic crowns are still significantly more present in dental practice because they are more financially acceptable to patients. Sometimes they are combined for this reason in a way to use full-ceramic crowns in the front (from 3 to 3), and metal-ceramic crowns in less visible, lateral regions.

For all questions and/or additional information, Dental Center Vunjak Team is available at 011/3282481 or at

Veneers are the latest inovation in aesthetic dentistry and completely painless procedure of beautifying and improving your smile. Considering the positive psychological effect on the environment and the contribution to personal satisfaction, they are also one of the best investments in the quality of life available to you.

Veneers can be made of composite or ceramic material, with previous grinding of teeth or without it – no prep (without previous tooth preparation). They are placed only on the front side of the tooth, and fixed with an adhesive technique – using special glue for composite materials.

In the conditions of good and controlled oral hygiene, warranty of veneers is unlimited. Besides exceptional physical and superior aesthetic results, characteristic of veneers is their biocompatibility – gingiva, tooth enamel, dentin or tooth pulp, do not suffer any change.

Modern dentistry promotes the preservation of solid dental tissues during all therapeutic procedures and minimally invasive procedures as a golden standard nowadays.

Non-prep veneers (access without even the slightest grinding of teeth) preserve tooth enamel as its most valuable part. Once grinded enamel is impossible to be restored, and in doing so, the biological processes otherwise important for the overall tooth and jaws health are compromised.

Indications for Non-Prep Guinness:

  1. Change in color, shape or size of teeth
  2. Tetracycline discolored teeth
  3. Diastems (spacing) between the teeth
  4. Worn out and thin teeth
  5. Imperfections visualised as a lack of space in jaws
  6. Rejuvenation of elderly, pronounced and painted teeth without shine effect

Do not underestimate the power of your smile. It can literally change your life.

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Since they consist of several types of metals and other substances, dental compensation can sometimes cause allergic reactions for a certain number of patients.

The most common symptoms

Some of the materials used to make dental compensation contain nickel. Since it belongs to the order of common allergens, an allergic reaction may occur.

The most common symptoms are gum flushing, rash, dry mouth, inflammation of the skin around the mouth, gingivitis and itching. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Replacement of the tooth to avoid alergies

If you are suspected of allergies, you need consultations from a dentist from one and allergist on the other side, in order to find the best solution for this complex situation.

Modern technology has made it possible to make dental compensations from anti allergic materials such as titanium, gold, platinum, composite materials, etc.

Do not hesitate to contact your dentist for more information on this topic.

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In the world, one in six people carry partial or total dental compensation. Thanks to new techniques and new materials, this is no longer noticed even when a person laughs.

Namely, wearing dental compensations positively influences people: they grow their self-esteem, they are better expressed and feel better in their skin. However, it is important to know how to adapt quickly when star carrying a replacement. During these early days, patients have increased salivary secretion and have the feeling that their compensation is too large (bulky) and it squeezes them.

Luckily, this feeling lasts only a few days if we know and believe that we will adapt quickly. The first and most common mistake is to stop wearing (when it’s removable). Namely, each such move only postpones and extends the period of adaptation. The key is to decide to permanently wear your dental compensation.

How to get used to your dental compensation

If you feel pain in certain parts of the gums, this can be the result of poorly positioned dental compensation. Your dentist can adjust your compensation to make it more comfortable to wear.

If you have difficulty speaking, it is necessary to practice the correct pronunciation with a dental compensation. To this end, take a few minutes each day to loudly speak in front of the mirror. This will force your mouth to adjust more quickly. In connection with the difficulty of eating, start eating lightly, small bites. In this way, your fork will gradually become used to chewing with dental compensation.

If with these tips, you still have problems with your teeth, you should contact your dentist. He could adjust your dental compensation. You, on the other hand must maintain good oral hygiene for the health of your natural teeth, but also for the longelasting of your dental compensation.

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