

Alveolitis or the inflammation of the alveoli is the most common painful complication after the extraction of a tooth. It can occur as a result of the disintegration of the blood coagulum, and it is manifested with the pain that occurs 24-72 hours after extraction. It usually appears after the removal of gangrenous or a tooth with pulpitis and in most cases after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth. It more often occurs with men than with women, in spring more often than during seasons. Although the pain itself does not cause serious complications, due to its intensity it disrupts everyday activities of the patient, so it needs to be treated. The therapy implies a curettage of the wound, removal of remaining fragments from disintegrated blood clot in local anesthesia and rinsing and cleaning of the wound. After this treatment, the medication is applied on the wound every day until the pain is eliminated. This creates the conditions for the formation of a new, healthy coagulum and the continuity of the healing process.

Aphthous Ulcers (Canker sores)

They are small, painful ulcers that occur on the tongue or lips and cheeks inside the mouth, most commonly they appear with children or adolescents, but they might occur also later in life. They can be white or yellow colored, framed by a red ring. Called canker sores, they are unpleasant and painful in contact with food and on tongue touch. They are triggered by a drop of the immune system, stress, trauma during tooth brushing, lack of vitamin B, during the monthly period with woman, and by anemia. In most cases, they size couple of millimeters, shaped oval or round, and could be healed in 7 to 10 days. They appear both individually and in groups and tend to reappear. Canker Sores could be treated only with Chamomile or Salvia tea or with medical treatment recommended by your dentist. If it takes more than two weeks to heal, it is necessary to seek professional opinion. In some cases, we could be confused by the appearance of the fistule, but unlike the canker sores, the fistula is not painful and represents the sign of the tooth infection that needs to be treated.

Call Vunjak team in case you have any doubts, we will be happy to help and advice.


Canker sores




From the beginning of mankind, people have been striving for the ideal of beauty and youth, keeping it, at least hidden, as a desire up to this day. In our culture, one of the indicators of health and vitality is certainly the whiteness and beauty of a smile. In line with these aspirations, a part of dentistry is specialized and devoted to aesthetics. After achieving maximum in terms of function and rehabilitation, today’s dentistry evolves and achieves superior aesthetic performance.

There are different methods to achieve a more beautiful, lighter and more harmonious appearance of teeth. The method that is most commonly used and that gives the fastest and obvious results is tooth bleaching or whitening. Even though there has passed more than a hundred years since the first teeth whitening attempts, many questions still arise: Is it possible? Does it damage my teeth? Is it safe? How long does the effect lasts?

After many years of experience, we can professionally claim that teeth whitening is a safe, minimally invasive procedure, which, with occasional renewal, achieves top results. Despite the advertised home-bleaching products, the best effects and maximum safety are achieved with bleaching supervised and monitored by a dentist.

In “Vunjak team” dental clinic we use market proved products of reputable German manufacturers.

What does the procedure look like?

Your dentist will first talk to you about your expectations, define the current and the targeted teeth color. After examining your teeth and gums, the dentist will determine which bleaching technique is optimal for you. No matter which technique is applied, periodontal preparation is necessary. In case there are no current periodontal problems (gum defects), this involves only the removal of dental plaque and pigments by an ultrasound device, as well as polishing teeth.

The teeth whitening treatment can be carried out exclusively in medical conditions (in “Vunjak team” dental clinic) or in combination, at home.

Ordinary tooth whitening is achieved by using high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide in gel, which is activated by using light, heat, laser or chemicals.

The procedure implies:

  • Ensuring the protection of surrounding gums from the reaction on chemical components.
  • Application of the chemicals to the surfaces of the teeth we want to blush, three times in 15 minutes.

The total duration of the treatment is one hour.

Avital teeth (teeth with extracted nerve) are prone to greying, and some patients are interested in bleaching exclusively one tooth of that kind. Then we use the so-called “Internal” tooth whitening technique, when a bleaching chemical is applied in the dental channel itself.

Combined, at home method, in 5 to 10 days provides gradual whitening of vital teeth. High-quality gels are used, based on carbamide peroxide concentration of 10-22%.

The gel is applied in a small volume in individually made foils the patient wears at night, while sleeping. Since the foil is made of fine soft plastic and precisely fits on the surface of teeth, its wearing is comfortable and allows smooth sleep. The dentist prescribes which gel concentration will be used, as well as how much nights it is necessary to be applied in order to get the best possible results from the treatment.

The procedure is simple and it is implemented in several steps:

  • Taking a foil print film, determining the existing and target teeth color
  • Delivering foil and gel to a patient with detailed training and advice on the usage
  • Control at the end of the agreed treatment

In a small percentage of patients, hypersensitivity may occur couple of days after starting this treatment. They can be advised to gradually adjust by applying the treatment slowly, one hour during day (instead overnight), then every second day for one hour more. Another option is to alternately wear a bleach gel film one night, and the next night with some of the fluorine-based preparations that further strengthen the tooth.

Teeth whitening is a quick, effective and safe method that contributes to a beautiful smile, hence improves our self-satisfaction and self-confidence.

If you feel that your teeth need bleaching, contact your dentist.

Dental clinic Vunjak team is at your disposal in the city center of Belgrade (Brankova street, nr. 11) or online.


Cancer in the oral cavity is a dangerous abnormal spot that can occur on any part of the mouth.

It is important to notice the first signs that could indicate the risk of this disease. Cancer in the oral cavity can appear as:

  • Ulcer (bubble) that does not heal after three weeks
  • A swelling that is present for more than three weeks
  • Sometimes alike a white or red spot in your mouth

Many marks of this kind will not be diagnosed as cancer, but if you have these changes, they must be examined. The best way to do this is to immediately and without delay schedule a visit to your dentist.

People exposed to risk of getting this cancer most commonly are those in following cases:

  • If you are a smoker or drink regularly alcohol, you are significantly increasing your risk of getting cancer in your oral cavity.
  • Prolonged exposure to sun rays may increase the risk of getting lip and skin cancer.
  • The risk of getting cancer in oral cavity increases for people over 40, but, unfortunately, young people can get it too.
  • You are exposed to higher risk if you do not develop healthy nutrition habit.

How can cancer in the oral cavity be detected?

Your dentist can notice the cancer in the oral cavity at an early stage. If it is detected timely, chances for healing are very good.

IMPORTANT! Currently, more than half of patients diagnosed with oral cancer die every year, because they have been diagnosed too late.

You can expect your dentist to:

  • Examine your face and your neck
  • Palpate your fork and neck
  • Examine the interior of your mouth with a small mirror: examine your lips, cheeks, tongue, palate and throat.
  • Your dentist can examine parts of your mouth that you can not see by yourself.

He may notice something in your mouth, which must further on be monitored, or that he needs to be examined by a specialist.

Regular visits to your dentist ensure the problem is spotted on time and this includes early detection of a cancer of the oral cavity.

If there has been more than 6 months since your last visit to your dentist, you should immediately call for an appointment.

Dental clinic Vunjak team is available to you in our premises in Belgrade city center or on line.

Free diagnosis is just one click away from you.

Online diagnosis

Fear of pain is inherent to man. It’s a kind of protection mechanism. A dental fear or dentofobia is an exaggerated fear of exposure to dental intervention. This is a situation that most often leads to poor oral health.


The reasons for fear of a dentist can be divided into two categories: direct and indirect experiences.
Dentofobia can be caused by a bad experience that a patient has experienced in some time in life with a dentist. Poorly performed dental treatment, insensitivity and lack of interest by a dentist can lead to traumas that are hard to forget.
For indirect causes of dentofobia, knowledge about the poor experiences of own relatives with their dentist or negative information related to dentistry in general is linked. Finally, a particular stimulus can develop fear from the dentist. For example, due to a poor medical (hospital) experience in a context that has nothing to do with dental care, the patient develops dentofobia. As a result, there is a fear of white coat, from the smell of antiseptics, the sound of the turbine, etc.


Dentofobia can be treated after determining its cause. We can remind of different solutions. It is possible to contact a psychotherapist or a psychologist. Then, it is possible to calm the patient wuth sedatives (sedation by medical therapy). Curing through hypnotherapy is possible prior to dental intervention. This is a gentle method by which the patient develops confidence in the dentist. Vunjak team has knowledge in this field and you can contact us for necessary consultations.

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Care: what products are used for care of household pets?

Pets, like humans, require regular dental care. Considering there are no specialized dentists for pets in Serbia, it is important that you take care of the oral health of your pet yourself. You could ask for the advice your veterinarian to get acquainted with the right activities and the best products that are suitable for your dog or cat.

Everyday cleaning

People are not the only ones who need to clean their teeth daily. Household pets need good and regular oral hygiene. It is good to know that dogs have natural holes in teeth, which often lead to gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). The density in the jaw of dogs leads to overlapping of teeth which creates permanent parodonthal problems.

It is possible todaz to find small silicone toothbrushes, very flexible, especially adapted for teeth brushing of our four-legged friends (dogs and cats). To clean their teeth, it is enough to brush gentlz all their teeth. As with humans, this has a crucial effect on preventing the formation of dental plaque, it improves the breath and prevents mouth disease of pets.

Find good food supplements

Maintaining good oral hygiene for pets does not significantly differentiate from  us humans. As people need to pay attention to the healthz nutrition, so it is important for animals. In that sense, in order to have healthy teeth and gums of your animal, supplements are needed to help their organism fight against bacteria that can reach the oral cavity.

On the market there is a wide range of pet products that prevent the formation of dental plaque. These products could be purchased either in the form for chewing or for drinking.

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What is an Orthopan?

Orthopan is a X-ray snapshot that is completely irreplaceable in dentistry for decades. This is a recording of solid dental tissues and bones as well as a recording of existing cavities (sinuses, nasal cavity). That shot is done by an orthopantomograph. On it a dentist can see caries of teeth, bone processes and changes in the sinuses.

Difference between regular Orthopan & 3D Orthopan?

3D is a more modern and better version that allows the dentist to see all dimensions much better and has become the golden standard before implant procedure, because it allows us to see the width of the bone, height and density as well as the relation to the surrounding anatomical structures such as the mandibular canal, under the sinus , etc., and these are all information necessary for the successful implant installation.

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What is teeth curetage?

This term covers the periodontal curetage done by a dentist. It allows the gums to be fastened with a completely smooth and clean surface of the tooth root.

When is teeth curettage applied?

Curettage is most commonly associated with gum diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis, although it can also be used for some other inflammatory processes in the mouth. The basic symptoms that patients always notices are the swelling, redness and bleeding of the gums.

How is it performed?

Curettage is performed with the help of special instruments called periodontal curetts which have their own classification. The process itself is painless because we use local anesthetic. Depending on the type and severity of the inflammatory process treated with curettage, it can be repeated several times until the desired results are achieved. The dental curettage is a treatment aimed at ensuring that the gingiva is attached to the perfectly clean surface of the tooth root. In order to achieve this, the removal of plaque and all bacteria is necessary. In other words, dental curettage is a technique of deep cleansing of the part of the mouth that is between the gums and the tooth. Periodontal curettage, removal of plaque, gums and tooth cavitation are alternative names for this treatment.

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