Care: what products are used for care of household pets?

Pets, like humans, require regular dental care. Considering there are no specialized dentists for pets in Serbia, it is important that you take care of the oral health of your pet yourself. You could ask for the advice your veterinarian to get acquainted with the right activities and the best products that are suitable for your dog or cat.

Everyday cleaning

People are not the only ones who need to clean their teeth daily. Household pets need good and regular oral hygiene. It is good to know that dogs have natural holes in teeth, which often lead to gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). The density in the jaw of dogs leads to overlapping of teeth which creates permanent parodonthal problems.

It is possible todaz to find small silicone toothbrushes, very flexible, especially adapted for teeth brushing of our four-legged friends (dogs and cats). To clean their teeth, it is enough to brush gentlz all their teeth. As with humans, this has a crucial effect on preventing the formation of dental plaque, it improves the breath and prevents mouth disease of pets.

Find good food supplements

Maintaining good oral hygiene for pets does not significantly differentiate from  us humans. As people need to pay attention to the healthz nutrition, so it is important for animals. In that sense, in order to have healthy teeth and gums of your animal, supplements are needed to help their organism fight against bacteria that can reach the oral cavity.

On the market there is a wide range of pet products that prevent the formation of dental plaque. These products could be purchased either in the form for chewing or for drinking.

Kućni ljubimci, kao i ljudi, zahtevaju redovnu negu zuba. S obzirom da ne postoje specijalizovani stomatolozi za životinje, važno je da vodite sami računa o oralnom zdravlju vaših kućnih ljubimaca. Možete potražiti savet od svog veterinara kako biste se upoznali sa pravim aktivnostima i najboljim proizvodima koji su pogodni za pse i mačke.

Svakodnevno čišćenje

Nisu ljudi jedini kojima je potrebno svakodnevno čišćenje zuba. I kućnim ljubimcima je neophodna dobra i redovna oralna higijena. Dobro je znati da psi imaju prirodno probušene zube što često dovodi do gingivitisa (zapaljenja desni). Teskoba u vilici koja dovodi do preklapanja zuba kod pasa često dovodi do trajnih parodontalnih problema.

Danas je moguće nabaviti male silikonske četkice za zube, vrlo savitljive, posebno prilagodjene za pranje zuba četvoronožnim prijateljima ( psima i mačkama). Za čišćenje zuba dovoljno je blago četkanja svih zuba kućnog ljubimca. Kao i kod ljudi, ovo je od presudnog uticaja na sprečavanje formiranja kamenca, umanjuje zadah iz usta i sprečava bolesti usta kod pasa i mačaka.

Pronađite dobre dodatke ishrani

Održavanje dobre oralne higijene kod kućnih ljubimaca ne razlikuje se značajno njenog održavanja kod čoveka. Kao što ljudi treba da obrate pažnju na ishranu, tako je to važno i za životinje. U tom smislu, kako bi imali zdrave zube i desni životinjama su potrebni suplementi koji ce pomoći njihovom organizmu da se bori protiv bakterija koje mogu da dospeju u usnu duplju.

Na tržištu postoji širok asortiman proizvoda za kućne ljubimce koji sprečavaju formiranje zubnog kamenca. Mogu se nabaviti ovi proizvodi bilo u formi koja predviđa ispijanje ili češće koja predviđa žvakanje.

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Veneers are the latest inovation in aesthetic dentistry and completely painless procedure of beautifying and improving your smile. Considering the positive psychological effect on the environment and the contribution to personal satisfaction, they are also one of the best investments in the quality of life available to you.

Veneers can be made of composite or ceramic material, with previous grinding of teeth or without it – no prep (without previous tooth preparation). They are placed only on the front side of the tooth, and fixed with an adhesive technique – using special glue for composite materials.

In the conditions of good and controlled oral hygiene, warranty of veneers is unlimited. Besides exceptional physical and superior aesthetic results, characteristic of veneers is their biocompatibility – gingiva, tooth enamel, dentin or tooth pulp, do not suffer any change.

Modern dentistry promotes the preservation of solid dental tissues during all therapeutic procedures and minimally invasive procedures as a golden standard nowadays.

Non-prep veneers (access without even the slightest grinding of teeth) preserve tooth enamel as its most valuable part. Once grinded enamel is impossible to be restored, and in doing so, the biological processes otherwise important for the overall tooth and jaws health are compromised.

Indications for Non-Prep Guinness:

  1. Change in color, shape or size of teeth
  2. Tetracycline discolored teeth
  3. Diastems (spacing) between the teeth
  4. Worn out and thin teeth
  5. Imperfections visualised as a lack of space in jaws
  6. Rejuvenation of elderly, pronounced and painted teeth without shine effect

Do not underestimate the power of your smile. It can literally change your life.

Fasete (viniri) predstavljaju najsavremeniji vid estetske stomatologije i potpuno bezbolan način ulepšavanja Vašeg osmeha. Imajući u vidu pozitivan psiholoski efekat na okolinu i doprinos ličnoj satisfakciji ujedno su i jedno od najboljih ulaganja u kvalitet života koje vam stoji na raspolaganju.

Fasete mogu biti izradjene od kompozitnog ili keramičkog materijala, sa prethodnim brušenjem zuba ili bez – non prep ( bez prethodne peparacije zuba). Postavljaju se samo na prednju stranu zuba, i fiksiraju adhezivnom tehnikom – namenskim lepkovima za kompozitne materijale.

U uslovima dobre i kontrolisane oralne higijene vek vinira je neograničen.

Pored izuzetnih fizičkih i estetskih rezultata još jedna karakteristika vinira je njihova biokompatibilnost –  izradom i postavkom tkiva usne usne duplje, desni, gledj, zubna pulpa, ne trpe nikakvu promenu.

Čuvanje čvrstih zubnh tkiva tokom svih terapijskih procedura i minimalno invazivni zahvati su zlatni standard savremene stomatologije.

Non-prep viniri (pristup bez i najmanjeg brušenja zuba) čuvaju gledj zuba kao njegov najvredniji deo. Jednom izbrušenu gledj nemoguće je vratiti a pri tom se narušavaju biološki procesi u zubu važni za ukupno zdravlje zuba i vilice.

Indikacije za Non-prep vinire:

  1. Promena boje, oblika ili veličine zuba
  2. Tetraciklinska prebojenost zuba
  3. Dijasteme (razmaci) izmedju zuba
  4. Istrošeni i istanjeni zubi
  5. Blaga teskoba
  6. Podmladjivanje ostarelih, izreckanih i prebojenih zuba bez sjaja

Ne potcenjujte moć svog osmeha. On doslovno može promeniti Vaš život!

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Since they consist of several types of metals and other substances, dental compensation can sometimes cause allergic reactions for a certain number of patients.

The most common symptoms

Some of the materials used to make dental compensation contain nickel. Since it belongs to the order of common allergens, an allergic reaction may occur.

The most common symptoms are gum flushing, rash, dry mouth, inflammation of the skin around the mouth, gingivitis and itching. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Replacement of the tooth to avoid alergies

If you are suspected of allergies, you need consultations from a dentist from one and allergist on the other side, in order to find the best solution for this complex situation.

Modern technology has made it possible to make dental compensations from anti allergic materials such as titanium, gold, platinum, composite materials, etc.

Do not hesitate to contact your dentist for more information on this topic.


In the world, one in six people carry partial or total dental compensation. Thanks to new techniques and new materials, this is no longer noticed even when a person laughs.

Namely, wearing dental compensations positively influences people: they grow their self-esteem, they are better expressed and feel better in their skin. However, it is important to know how to adapt quickly when star carrying a replacement. During these early days, patients have increased salivary secretion and have the feeling that their compensation is too large (bulky) and it squeezes them.

Luckily, this feeling lasts only a few days if we know and believe that we will adapt quickly. The first and most common mistake is to stop wearing (when it’s removable). Namely, each such move only postpones and extends the period of adaptation. The key is to decide to permanently wear your dental compensation.

How to get used to your dental compensation

If you feel pain in certain parts of the gums, this can be the result of poorly positioned dental compensation. Your dentist can adjust your compensation to make it more comfortable to wear.

If you have difficulty speaking, it is necessary to practice the correct pronunciation with a dental compensation. To this end, take a few minutes each day to loudly speak in front of the mirror. This will force your mouth to adjust more quickly. In connection with the difficulty of eating, start eating lightly, small bites. In this way, your fork will gradually become used to chewing with dental compensation.

If with these tips, you still have problems with your teeth, you should contact your dentist. He could adjust your dental compensation. You, on the other hand must maintain good oral hygiene for the health of your natural teeth, but also for the longelasting of your dental compensation.