• Keep your mouth and teeth healthy

    Through regular visits to your dentist


Dental Care

Our experts follow rigorous treatment protocols that always begin with detailed diagnosis.

After setting the diagnosis, the team defines a detailed plan of therapy and provides support in the administrative elements of our cooperation (insurance, ways of payment, financing…).

Our mission is to help our patients, both adults and children, to improve and preserve the health of their mouth and teeth.

  • Conservative

    Removing dental plaque, treating tooth decays, devitalizing teeth…

  • Surgical

    Extractions, implants…

  • Combined


Important notice

Regular visits to the dentist are necessary in order to diagnose the condition of the mouth and teeth at an early stage in order to take preventive and interceptive care in a timely manner and thus optimize the treatment of the patient.


Starting Your first visit, our team provides you full medical and administrative support.

During your first visit, our team:

  • Examines in details your oral health
  • Sets a detailed diagnosis
  • Provides immediate care
  • Proposes treatment plan fully adjusted to your condition of the mouth and teeth.

From the moment of forming your file, we will agree on the plan of the healing process and the model of regulating your obligations. In case it is necessary, we can help you in finding ways to finance our services.

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